Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Quiet Little Critters giveaway

Hello my fellow bloggers! I am doing some spring cleaning and I have decided that I am sick of storing my projects. So... IT IS YOUR LUCKY DAY! These are called Quiet Little Critters. They are in an Altoids Size tin. (No I did not use actual Altoids tins =) I made each little creature by hand out of Polymer clay. They have a powerful magnet glued to the bottom. I use them for church to keep my children quiet. I always have one in my purse as well, you never know when you might need entertainment. These are NOT FOR CHILDREN UNDER 3. They are very tiny and can be swallowed easily. So now all you have to do is respond to this post with your name, address, and e-mail. You also need to tell me how adorable they are =), then I will send you one. I am only going to send ONE to each person. You can tell me which one you want, but that doesn't mean that is the one you will get. TELL A FRIEND, I HAVE 12 TO GIVE AWAY! I usually sell them from $10 to $15 dollars a set, BUT FOR YOU IT IS FREE!






Elder Larkin said...

Oh my! My sister Joy showed these to me last year (I think) and I about died 'cause this is such an ingenius idea of yours. You need to put these on DesignMom.com Seriously go check it out! I'd love one of your creations. Send me something "Boy-ish". email me and I will give you my address. bryceandcindy@hotmail.com.

Doty Family said...

Farm Critters Please!! But hey, call me. If yoiu have extra, I might buy them for you!

Dover Fam said...

Oh my heavens! These are adorable. I LOVE them all but REALLY REALLY love the Bug critters. That worm is deliciously cute!!!!

My email address: dover381atyahoodotcom. I live in Ivins so I can just pick them up!!!! YEAH!!!!

The Laws' said...

I was given the sea critters one from Lorene, and I LOVE it! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for another, too, if you would like to share with me! YOU MADE THE CRITTERS YOURSELF??? You are one TERRIBLY talented lady!
If you see fit to give me one, I would be more than happy to pick it up from Lorene this Saturday (the 28). Thanks!
Laurie Laws

Michelle said...

Seriously, people weren't kidding when they said you were crafty. Good job on these cute little can of animals. What a great idea! My kids would love one of them. I think the bugs or the farm animals are super cute! So if you feel so inclined, send one our way. My email is foxy_coxy55@yahoo.com I'll give you my address. Why are you just giving these away???

Also, did you want those glasses I was telling you about?

Sarah said...

I WANT ONE!! You could just take it to SGH and I'll come get it :) BUT I WANT ONE...or maybe a few extra? For $? :) Love you!

Kate said...

Oh my gosh those are soooo cute I don't even dare ask for one. But... if I got brave I would have to say the zoo ones make my heart sing. I would pay to ship it if its still left. But if not TEACH ME HOW. I love them.

Kate said...

Oh and Im sure I could send some glasses your way too just let me know if you are still looking.

April Hoyt said...

These are so cute! I can't believe you made them!! I try to be crafty but it seems my things never work out! Its been so long since I have seen you. I just remember you and Joe working in the kitchen and the resort. :)

Ashley said...

My sister (Sarah) referred me to your blog to check out your quiet little critters. I have my own little critter who could use some quieting!
These are genius!

Sarah said...

I want another one :) I will pay for you them