Sunday, May 31, 2009


We took Brittany up to her mom's last weekend to spend 6 weeks of the summer. After only one week things went horribly, horribly wrong... as usual.

So we jumped in the car on Saturday night, after I got off work at about 10, and drove up to rescue our little girl. We had to stop and sleep for a few hours, but other than that we just drove. 12 hours... 800 miles... yuck. Luckily we got Brittany without any additional drama so we are happy to be home... safe and sound.
(the pictures are from the trip up last weekend)


Doty Family said...

What the heck?????? I'm so glad she is home safe and sound. I love the girl. Well that makes camp easier, huh? Hope she's okay.

*Aliese* said...

Oh gosh...I can't even imagine... :)

Michelle said...

Well, I'm glad you guys made it home ok. Where does her mom live??? That's a long ways. You look fabulous for driving all night and only getting a few hours of sleep!

Melissa said...

Wow, where did you have to go? And what are doing working until 10 at night?! You sound like you are one busy woman.

*I have a question for you, I am wanting to take my kids swimming there in St. George at the FUN pools. But I don't remember the names of them. I think one is Sand Hollow something. If you know the names of them, could you let me know? Thanks!

Always, Forever, NO MATTER WHAT said...

I am glad to hear that you made the pick-up without any additional insidences. Poor girl. It sure is a good thing that she has you too as parents.

Sarah said...

uh oh! I am glad that she is okay!! That is not a fun situation to be in. I miss you guys!! when we come down I have to come visit! :)

Brian and Hillary said...

wow!!! what a trip. what went wrong? hope she is alright. i personally don't like those kind of trips.