Monday, June 15, 2009

E.R. again???!!!

Too many boys playing on Grandma's trampoline all at once = one little boy with a big bump.

His cousin went to fall backwards on the trampoline and instead fell backwards right into Dray's Forehead... He got a nasty bloody nose, and it took us a little while to even notice the enormous bump on his forehead!! OUCH!

The injury occured around 8:00 p.m. We iced it for a few hours and the swelling seemed to be increasing rather than slowing, or decreasing. I didn't feel good about letting him go to sleep if he had a concusion or something, so we decided to take him in just to be sure. The doctors said that while the bump was definently a good one, it is likely to discepate over the next few days. He said it is a big mass of blood under the surface and it will likely trickle down and give him a few good black eyes in the next day or two. Now I can rest easy because I know he won't be falling asleep and never waking up or some horrible thing like that!! I am a worry wort, but I just love my babies, and I can't protect them from everything, so the things I can protect them from I am going to make sure I do a good job of it!! Poor Drayden. He is the nice gentle one, and yet, he always seems to be the one that is getting hurt.


*Aliese* said...

Oh my gosh! That's quite the bump-glad he's okay though; what a little trooper.

Hopie said...

THAT IS HUGE!!! I would have been a little nervous about it also!!!

Doty Family said...

That is nasty. Oh my, poor little guy! I so would have taken him in too. You can never be to cautious.

Kate said...

That does look nasty. Poor guy. Hope he is feeling better today.

Melissa said...

Holy Cow, what a bump! Sounds like he is a trooper though. Glad everything will be okay. minus a black eye or two.

Michelle said...

Wow! That's quite the bump! I'm glad he's ok and didn't get a concussion! I hate when stuff like that happens.

Elder Larkin said...

poor kid! my guess is though, if he had to do all the jumping and boy stuff all over again...he would. those darn cute little boys!

Always, Forever, NO MATTER WHAT said...

Oh my heck! that thing is enormous! It hurts just to look at it. I bet he had a huge headache from that one.