Tuesday, May 19, 2009

my crazy dog!!

This is MOJO. He is the cutest little weiner dog you have ever seen. We got him when he was just a baby, and he is almost 1 year old. A few months ago he scared the crap out of us. He ate a marble, and it got stuck in his intestines. He pooped it out eventually and pulled through. Last week he scared the crap out of us again!! I went to the school to pick up the kids, and I decided that MoJo could go with me. My A.C. died recently in my car so we had the windows down... As we drove past the school he saw the kids playing on the playground. Well apparently it was irresistable. I looked over to see his little brown body disappear out the window. Luckily we were only going 25. He hit the ground running, it didn't even phase him!! What a crazy dog. I love him so much though, I hope he quits being crazy soon. I can't wait until he is a little older and quits eating all of my shoes too. Crazy MoJo!!


*Aliese* said...

Your puppy's got some ambition! I don't even know what I'd do...Glad he's okay though!

Hopie said...

Cambelle names all of our dog stuffed animals Mojo. I'm glad I already knew that was your dog's name or I would have been worried!!!!

Michelle said...

So Lolly and Sherm have the exact same kind of dog and don't worry they NEVER grow out of the crazy stage. Sorry! It's quite the dog. If it isn't getting enough attention while we are visiting, it will go and crap on the floor. It's disgusting, but it sure gets some attention after it does that!haha Good times!

Kate said...

He is cute! And naughty. My aunt had a weiner when I was little and I loved it. We called it the hot dog dog. It was crazy too. Must be the breed. But they are really good with kids. Just keep the car windows up. ;)

Brian and Hillary said...

That is a crazy dog. We have a wiener dog and drives me crazy some times. She just recently got her tail broken by another dog. She is great with the kids even the baby. Micah loves to pull on her ears. Our first wiener dog was so much better than this one could ever think of being.