Thursday, April 9, 2009

Birthday Prank

My nephew is turning 18 tomorrow. Mitch and I decided that the only really appropriate thing to do for someone entering adulthood is to send a little reminder that there will always be times that you need to act like a kid.

We had to use our "undercover cop" faces, and well, what is an undercover cop without a gun right?? lol. This was alot of fun. I kept ripping the Toilet Paper, and Mitch kept stubbing his toes on things in the dark!
I think we are a little out of practice!
He will probably be late for school tomorrow, but it's all good.

The finished product. Notice all the broken dangly pieces, that would be me, breaking the roll every single time Mitch passed it over to me! I think we made our point just the same.


Hopie said...

NIIICCCEEEE!!!!! Love the look on Mitch's face!!!! AWESOME!!!

Doty Family said...

That is awesome! I love it! You guys alway's have so much fun!

Brian and Hillary said...

I had that happen to me when I turned 16 and it was some of the girls from young women who did it. But I was the one who got to clean it up.

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun doing it.

Elder Larkin said...

You two are so fun! Love the prank. It's true, sometimes you just gotta let loose and act like a kid.

Always, Forever, NO MATTER WHAT said...

Who really wants to grow up anyway? I know that don't. I love the pictures.