I sure wish my baby knew that night time was the right time to sleep. =(
She seems to look alot like this at night... except not so calm...
There is alot of screaming. A few days ago I woke up... (which means I actually went to sleep at some point) and looked over at Mitch... I was like, "WOW... Annie actually slept last night!"... to which he replied... "NO. YOU slept last night." lol... I guess that is just what happens when you get to a certain point of sleep deprivation. Your body takes over and you sleep nomatter what kind of catastrophe is happening around you. lol. Thank goodness I have a sweet husband who took over when I shut down.
I am starting a new very strict diet regimen... in the hopes that my baby will be happier and healthier, and so will my waistline.
I swear she is the cutest baby ever! I am so totally biased... but I love her so much!
She really is super beautiful
I went through the same thing with Kasen for the first few days. But as soon as my milk came in it was a lot better.
Some foods can be irritating to babies.
Let me know what kind of diet thing you are doing. I am ready for a slimmer waist line too.
She is truly a gorgeous baby.
Holy cow....... what a cutie!!!! Good job Mitch for letting you sleep. It's hard at first. Hang in there!!!
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