Never buy a toy with the words "OVER 500 PIECES!!" printed on the box.
It is a "marble mania GENIUS." I was thinking, wow, that is freaking cool! I am sure that Mitch would love to help me put that together, and I know the kids would have a blast playing with it...
Mitch played games on my i-touch while I coordinated the building of this monstrosity (husbands can be so helpful sometimes). It is probably better that he didn't help because there was one little gear that wasn't turning right, and he came to help me, and we got in a sreaming match over the dumb thing. (sometimes husbands just don't listen! I mean seriously who has been reading the 500 page manual? not him, nooooo, he can figure it out on his own...) I have to admit though, it was probably worth it. This is one of the coolest toys ever.
Oh, I saw this at Costco yesterday and stopped to look at it thinking of Christmas and I was deterred by the 500 pieces!! You are a brave soul! You earn brownie points in heaven for that one! What a cool mom you are!
It does look like a freaking cool toy!!!! So, now get a board that is just bigger than the base and glue that sucker down so you never have to put it together again!!!!
That IS a cool toy! My cousins had something similar (on a much smaller scale) when we were kids and we watched the marbles for hours.
You are such an awesome mom!!! I don't think I would ever do that, because I know all that hard work I would do would be cool for one minute and destroyed the next. I'll wait for them get old enough to do it themselves.:) Tell Mitch he did such a good job playing games on your i-phone!haha
have fun cleaning up afterwards! and every other day in between. 500 pieces is a lot to pick up after!
Did you get that at COSTCO? I saw one over there and thought that it would be way cool. Sometimes it is better to let the husbands sit out when it comes to doing some of these things, because they never want to read the instructions to make sure that it is getting done right.
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