after three days of camping I am so glad to be home!
Peeing in the woods... I have yet to find the perfect combination of pants down far enough, legs spread far enough, to not get pee on my shoes... if this is TMI then you have never had the pleasure of peeing in the woods, or worse in a place where there are no trees to hide your flabby butt...
when you child needs to pee in the woods... Especially when it is 3 minutes after everyone is in bed for the night... GGGRRRR!! combine that with the above statement and you will learn why you need 7 pair of pants and shoes for an overnight camping trip. (at least their butts are cute though)
No showers.... YUCK... I got home and my hair felt like straw... it took three tries to wash the campfire smell out... and my kids looked like little orphans... don't even get me started on the dog... he wallowed in bacon grease and then in dirt, lovely.
Waking up at the Butt crack of dawn.
You have to give me credit though, I am extremely pleasant in spite of all this...
(this one is my fav...) playing kissy face around the campfire.
seriously have you ever seen one so big?? and yellow?? Look at Dray's face, he is so freaking excited. He is just oozing with adventure and discovery.
Funny Story:
while we were out looking for arrowheads Chantel came running over to me "MOM, MOM" "What, what is the matter?" "Nothing, Look mom, look what I found!" me barely glancing over, "Oh that is nice sweetie" "MOM, do you have any idea what this IS???" "a tennis ball?" "NO mom, *rolling eyes* it is an ANCIENT INDIAN tennis ball."
HAHAHAHA it was freaking hilarious.