Day 3:
Something you had to forgive yourself for.
This one is going to seem silly to some people, but it ate away at me for a long, long time.
It was December 23rd... fresh snow blanketed Frost Lane. My friends and I went sledding all day. The road was like a sheet of ice by nightfall. This just so happened to be the night my dad had a massive heart attack. The ambulance came down the road to get my dad... it took 3 hours to get the ambulance back up the road because of all the ice. MY ICE. I remember staring out the kitchen window at the flashing lights. I don't think I have ever prayed so hard in my entire life. I just kept crying and saying how sorry I was that I had gone sledding. My dad died that night, and for many years I blamed myself. I have since forgiven myself, and realize that it was GOD who took my dad, not my silly ice...
Day 4:
Something you had to forgive someone for.
My high school principal. He is dead now, so I will try to be kind... but man that guy was a JERK!! I decided to graduate a year early from high school, mostly because I had all of my credits in half way through my junior year, but the fact that I lived in a very small town might have contributed a tiny bit. I didn't want to stay there and be bored, I am an overachiever... and I was ready to go to college and be done with the high school small town drama. The principal made it HELL for me to graduate. I finally had to go straight to the superintendent in order to graduate... and to top it all off he conveniently "FORGOT" to order enough honor roll cords, so even though I was a straight A student, I didn't get to wear my honor roll cords. It was LAME! I walked through the line and shook every one's hand... except his. I totally left him hanging... and made it clear that I would rather die than shake his hand. I still don't know why he was so mean to me, or why he would do everything in his power to NOT help me graduate... but I will let God work it out. I'm just happy that everything worked out... It made me a stronger person... so all is forgiven. =)
I don't think either of those are silly. I would have felt the same way if it was my dad. You are amazing, Nettie!! :) Love you!
aww what a SAD story about your dad! I can't imagine how that would feel. And what a weirdo principal. Maybe he had a secret crush on you and wanted you to stick around? Weird.
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