FOOD... food is good right??
NAY!!! food is BAD... food makes me wanna YACK!...
Icecream, cafe rio, spagetti, saltine crackers... yep... all food.
*insert emotional breakdown here*
I am sad, because I love food, but my pregnant self... not so much.
I look forward to being able to eat again.
I have decided that this is why I get so fat when I am pregnant.
Now stick with me here...
Try starving yourself, (or being bulimic, same difference in my opinion) for 3-4 months, and then suddenly you can eat anything your heart desires...
This is simple math people...
so I might loose 10-20 pounds in the next few months, but I can promise you that I will be packing it all back on. It has happened twice before... I know the drill.
I do not look forward to the fattening up, but like so many other things that have been thrust upon me, I am learning to accept and come to terms.
So... Ice chips for now...
ICE CREAM later... =) I can hardly wait!
I expect lots of *hang in there, and *awww poor nettie comments... mmmkay... ;)
bwahhahahah heee hee hee haaa haa (yep thats crazy laughter... I am totally unstable... I need to be medicated... I am sure of it!)
Oh, I am definitely a friend to food! PLEASE let me know when I can bring you some that you won't just barf up later. :) I'm more than happy to whip something up so you don't have to!
Awwww... hang in there. Poor Nettie!!!! hahaha!!! Was that good?
Poor Nettie! When you feel better, you let me know and I will bring you some cookies to help pack the weight back on. I'm alway's up for making cookies :) Hugs my dear, it will be worth it!
hahaha, you're hilarious..
I mean - you poor thing!! No really it stinks when you think food should sound good and it doesn't.
I remember those days, especially since it wasn't that long ago. I wanted to eat but nothing sounded good. I would just eat it any was. I never barfed though. I am still kind of that way even being in my 2nd trimester. Cravings are good but they can also be bad. I am sorry that you aren't feeling well. Eat what you can but watch what you do eat. I have been in your boat more than once. It is not easy to lose that baby weight at all. I am watching my self closely and I think I am doing pretty good. So if I can do it with my 6th baby I am sure you can do it with you 3rd. Just trust in yourself. And not that naughty feed me monster. Water helps too. Small meals but more often as well.
Here is something that should help you oatmeal cookies. They are supposed to help you with all sorts and you should be able to eat them without getting sick. I get daily updates from and it gives a lot of good info daily and weekly info. That is where I got the oatmeal cookie idea from. They give you a list of things that will help you not be so barfy.
Good luck. Sorry that the comment is so long.
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